Usually available from end of May - early July. Prices inclusive of VAT (Delivery +£30) These fry average 10-15mm
2-3 week old koi are supplied ungraded straight from our hatchery. These are usually available from late April through to late June. We only breed one or two varieties at any one time, so if you want a large mix of varieties, you may have to take them in separate batches throughout our breeding season. Please note minimum quantity order is 250.
We recommend that this age of fry are fed on live brine shrimp and they should not be mixed with any other fish or including other batches of fry. For this reason we recommend these only for experienced fish keepers. For more novice hobbyists, we suggest looking at the 6 week old fry here, that are pre weaned onto dry diets.
250 £35
500 £65
1000 £100